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Student conduct and Discipline Policy

Johnathan Academy’s code of conduct for students will inform the school community of
expected behaviour based on the principles of respect for the rights and dignity of all persons in
order to promote a safe and respectful learning environment. Students of Johnathan Academy
are expected to:
• respect those in positions of rightful authority,
• follow instructions given by staff members and adult volunteers,
• know and obey the school’s rules and regulations,
• respect the rights and dignity of all persons,
• refrain from participating in or promoting any behaviour that would threaten, bully,
harass or intimidate either verbally and/or physically, to cause harm to another
• report incidences of bullying or harassment that they witnessed in school or at
school functions,
• refrain from abusive/suggestive language that denigrates another person’s dignity
because of race, religion, ethnicity, culture, sexual self-identity, disability and/or
socioeconomic background,
• refrain from misuse of computer technology to bully others,
• refrain from the use of drugs/alcohol/weapons in school or at school functions,
• respect all property,
• work and socialize in a cooperative and collaborative manner with everyone in the
school community
Students who breach this code of conduct will have their actions investigated by the school
principal or designated other, and if the investigation supports disciplinary action, the principal
will impose an appropriate disciplinary action that may result in a suspension or expulsion.
At the beginning of the school year and as required, the Principal will provide education to
students, parents and staff on the school’s Code of Conduct and the possible disciplinary
actions that could be meted.
Breaches of this code will be dealt with by teachers or the Principal as appropriate, and
discipline given will be fair and objective considering the student’s history of similar events,
age, maturity and special needs, if any. The severity of the infraction will also be considered
when deciding on appropriate discipline.
Each case of serious misconduct must be recorded and, if appropriate, retained in the student’s
record for a period of time deemed by the principal. If the student transfers to another school,
the principal shall decide if any disciplinary records should be expunged from the student
record before sending onto the next school.
When discipline is given, parents/guardians will be informed of the school’s Appeal Policy 304.

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